1. What is the national game of India?
(A) Cricket
(B) Football
(C) Hockey
(D) None of the above
Answer: None of the above
Answer Explanation:
Although Hockey is considered as de-facto National Game of India but as per recent Sports Ministry revelation Hockey is not the National Game of India. Till now there is no declared National Game of India.
2. What is the national game of Afghanistan?
(A) Buzkashi
(B) Ice Hockey
(C) Cricket
(D) Sumo wrestling
Answer: Buzkashi
Verified Answer
Answer Explanation:
Afghanistan’s National Sport Involves Carrying A Dead Goat Into A Goal While Riding A Horse. Peretz Partensky Buzkashi is Afghanistan’s national sport. It is dirty and brutal, played on horseback with headless goat carcass.
3. What is the national game of Nepal?
(A) Figure Sketting
(B) Dandi Biyo
(C) Bandy
(D) Rugby Union
Answer: Dandi Biyo
Verified Answer
Answer Explanation:
Dandi Biyo is the National Game of Nepal. It is similar to Gilli Danda of India. This game is also basically similar to cricket. Biyo is wooden pin which is hit by wooden stick. The player is considered out if the pin is caught mid air.
4. What is the national game of New Zealand?
(A) Rugby Union
(B) Netball
(C) Golf
(D) Tennis
Answer: Rugby Union
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5. What is the national game of Pakistan?
(A) Field hockey
(B) Bandy
(C) Basketball
(D) Gymnastics
Answer: Field hockey
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6. What is the national game of Spain?
(A) Gymnastics
(B) Basketball
(C) Alpine Skiing
(D) Bull Fighting
Answer: Bull Fighting
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7. What is the national game of Turkey?
(A) Bull Fighting
(B) Oil wrestling
(C) Baseball
(D) Alpine Skiing
Answer: Oil wrestling
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Answer Explanation:
Oil Wrestling is the National Sport of Turkey. It is also called as Grease Wrestling. These wrestlers wear leather trousers and apply olive oil throughout their body. These wrestlers are also called as Pahilwan.
8. What is the national game of Bangladesh?
(A) Basketball
(B) Kabaddi
(C) Baseball
(D) Bandy
Answer: Kabaddi
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9. What is the national game of USA?
(A) Baseball
(B) Bandy
(C) Basketball
(D) Kabaddi
Answer: Baseball
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10. What is the national game of Canada?
(A) Cricket
(B) Basketball
(C) Ice Hockey
(D) Football
Answer: Ice Hockey
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Answer Explanation:
Hockey and Lacrosse is the national sports of Canada. The game commonly known as ice hockey is hereby recognized and declared to be the national winter sport of Canada and the game commonly known as Lacrosse is hereby recognized and declared to be the national summer sport of Canada.
11. What is the national game of Japan?
(A) Sumo wrestling
(B) Kabaddi
(C) Bull Fighting
(D) Oil wrestling
Answer: Sumo wrestling
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12. What is the national game of Russia?
(A) Bandy
(B) Basketball
(C) Ice Hockey
(D) Chess
Answer: Bandy
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Answer Explanation:
There is a misconception that Chess is the National game of Russia but it is Bandy which is actually the National Game of Russia.
13. What is the national game of Sri Lanka?
(A) Archery
(B) Volleyball
(C) Ice Hockey
(D) Rugby Football
Answer: Volleyball
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14. What is the national game of Bhutan?
(A) Rugby Union
(B) Archery
(C) Baseball
(D) Chess
Answer: Archery
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15. What is the national game of Argentina?
(A) Golf
(B) Judo
(C) Pato/ Juego del pato
(D) Cricket
Answer: Pato/ Juego del pato
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16. What is the national game of Indonesia?
(A) Table Tennis
(B) Badminton
(C) Hockey
(D) Rugby Union
Answer: Badminton
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17. What is the national game of China?
(A) Basketball
(B) baseball
(C) Table Tennis
(D) Golf
Answer: Table Tennis
Answer Explanation:
There is no official national sport, though table tennis is very popular.China is well known for this sport.
18. What is the national game of Colombia?
(A) Golf
(B) Tejo
(C) Table Tennis
(D) Cricket
Answer: Tejo
Answer Explanation:
It is defined as a national sport in 2000.